On Demand Training
Practitioner, Skills Training and Support staff training and development in Radically Open DBT is available through Radically Open Ltd using the below links!
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RO DBT Practitioner Training
Package Deal Levels 1 and 2 for RO DBT Practitioners in Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (One-off purchase)
Skills Instructor Training
Package Deal Levels 1 and 2 for Skills Instructors in Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (One-off purchase)
RO DBT Foundations Training
This program is intended for mental health/support/line staff not providing RO DBT themselves but who need to know enough about RO DBT
RO Basics Training + OC Assessment
‘The Basics’ with five videos ranging from 25-45 mins, and ‘Assessment of Overcontrol’ with two videos of 47 & 69 mins.
What is Radically Open DBT?
Radically Open Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (RO DBT) is a treatment for patients who suffer from emotional and behavioural over-control. Some clients lack emotional control and need interventions designed to enhance emotional and behavioural control; others, for whom RO DBT is designed, require interventions designed to relax rigid or inflexible control. RO DBT has been researched over the past 25 years for patients with chronic depression or anorexia nervosa. Research results suggest that it is effective in these, and other, hard-to-treat groups such as Autism Spectrum Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder.
For more information about Radically Open DBT go to the Australian DBT Institute's website www.rodbtaustralia.com
For more information about Radically Open DBT go to the Australian DBT Institute's website www.rodbtaustralia.com